Saturday, May 5, 2007

Spider Man 3

I just got to see the Spideman-3 this Friday, I come back and have got to say - "Its just not what I expected from the film with the highest budget". I think it was not worth the amount I spent buying tickets at Innovative Multiplex.... Well on the other had I had something to pic from this film... I would rather concentrate on those than on the film and the story line...
The animators have done a good job... The Sandman and the wind related animations are really good... he keeps turning from a sand man into a human and back thatz a nice part...
The part I loved in the film was the fundas... Highly filled with fundas... though not like Matrix.. you can take a lot in case u look at it from different angle.
Here are some of the fundas I could pick up.
  1. Every one gets through tough faces in life... and every one needs some help at some instance.. even if he is a super human...
  2. The worm of revenge... makes u feel happy when u show ur rival that you are better than him.... but then it kills the naturalness in humans...
  3. A man must lean to put his wife before him when it comes to making some decision in life...
  4. It gives immense joy when you forgive some one who has hurt u a lot...

Well when it comes to the mistakes in the movie... chk out the link here...


Shruti said...

True enough! Nice fundas in the movie... Same goes for Spiderman1 as well..
But.. the characters could have been developed better.. Like when spider-man gets the black suit.. there's so much in the cartoon version that wasn't shown here.. Though i agree everything can't be stuffed in 2 hrs..

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