Friday, August 23, 2013

Lazy!!! - well relaxing is for rejevination I thought... Doing something new does...

"All work and no play make..." 
So goes the adage...but is it only relevant to young kids? It is that only kids get dull? The large populace of IT professionals (well this doesn't really stop at those working only for IT) working around me too have a similar problem...they dont seem to give me an inspired feeling! I don't see "life" filled with energy in them.

I really don't see many of them getting to new things - they call the time that they do not do anything other than watch movies or sit in front of the television - relaxing! We is this relaxing! The mind of this duration is entrapped into the television or the movie and gives the sense of a temporary relief, but over a longer duration one would have really lost out on hours that could have been employed elsewhere and into something more engaging and enriching.

Everyone has a unique way of spending time in a manner that rejuvenates themselves - but what I feel people really do not do is get out of their comfort zone!... try something new!... Our mind loves to do what is likes.. it pulls us into the direction... it loves wandering... You could make better  use of it if you define or confine the mind a bit too... It could help if you add in a little bit extra in every thing you... and before you know ... you have really beaten what you thought you would ever reach!

Yes, the point I am trying to make is the lack of effort we put in exploring and then improving and if possible excelling at what we attempt to do. Its is time that we as people begin realizing that exploring an alternate side is very useful... I have heard many people say - I never knew I could really do this!

It is time, we move away from being lazy and engage ourselves in going beyond what we immediately know. A constant attempt to improve, is something that we never consciously engage with... and even if we engage with we behave as if its a competitive advantage and attempt to safeguard it to an extent that it doesn't transmit beyond the brain that has created it. 

I never thought I could actually do some digital media marketing... to took up a community event marketing and realized it is no great science and over the weekend I was able to get a lot more knowledge and experience from what I did. I was extremely thrilled at what I was able to learn... I think this has to become a sustained practice by everyone.

It is also in sharing that knowledge gets fertile... The experience of everybody and the interpretation of the scenario at hand help our knowledge grow and mature. 

It is time all of us attempt to move away from the usual, try something new, improve steadily, share what we learn... you never know what legacy we leave until we have left.


Sahana said...

Very much agree !! Seriously have to think over it and start implementing!! Good one dear :)

Sahana said...

Very much agree !! Seriously have to think over it and start implementing!! Good one dear :)

Preeti said...

interesting :)n i agree :)n i do keep trying new things or at least something tht i love dance...cook new dishes....learn stitching... :)

Shubhashree said...

Completely go with your words sachi! I have also started tryin out new things. But most difficult part for me is to follow it. lets see how long i maintain to do it :)

Sachidananda Benegal said...

The next logical extension of this blog I guess is to enter into a bit more deeper reasoning... could the "REMOTE Culture" that we have entered into be a possible reasons looking back at this?