Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch

For those of you who haven't heard "The Last Lecture" by Prof Randy Pausch, do watch the above video before reading my review here. That would almost be akin to reading most of the book. Here is his page on Carnegie Mellon Website.

While most of the points disccussed in the lecture are extended into deeper discussion in the book, but it goes beyond these points in the presentation to give us a closer look into his life. 

In addition to the philosophical aspect what is mentioned in the book, there are many practical take away that an individual reader like me could take. Quite a few points if I wear my teacher's hat - could be how he used peer feedback to give hard individual feedback or the excitement and thrill of being able to help many realize their dreams. 

The emphasis of team in learning is an interesting dimension in the complete learning process. This is an important aspect to look into in the field of education. I loved the concept of "headfakes", and was thinking of using a few in my sessions going ahead. I feel it is extremely handy!Another point I loved was the emphasis he gave on failures - "the first penguin" which helped get the motivation going. 

My take: Read the book! Its worth it.

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