Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Move on ...None the less..."

An ant began its journey in search of food...
It wasn't clear it would get a cube of sugar or a sour pie...
It decided to move on ...none the less...

Training its little legs to climb, Letting its nose drive the way...
Looking at the sky, leaving a train behind...
Climbing mountains, getting down the valleys...
Some times Seen by predators, hidden from foes in the rest...
It let go of its old guard, to find a new way...
It moved on ...none the less...

Sensing from the gut, letting go of that daily rut...
Bombarded by Long journeys and Strong winds...
Straining its tiny eyes - Some times it asked Why...
Unsure of its next turn, looking at what was here and now,
Not knowing if this would ever hurt, it decided to move on ...none the less...

As it looked back at the journey it had traveled,
A few friends followed the trail it carved, the journey it began...
Uncertain if it would ever find a crumb of food,
I was almost as if it was lost in the wood...
Not sure if it would every make a difference, it decided to move on ...none the less...

Rains drenched it, the sun fried it, the winds gave it a flight...
It thought of asking others why this plight!
With no food yet in sight,
It decided to persist and move on ...none the less...

After days of unimaginable ups and downs,
And nights with feeling of defeat and self-doubt...
The ant finally realized... its the journey itself that mattered...
Not the few friends that followed, nor the foe who hated...
Shedding the past, It was to live its life a fresh every morning...
It had to simply move on... None the less...

-  ಚಿ (Chi)

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